- close all
- clear
- imga = im2double(imread('apple1.jpg'));
- imgb = im2double(imread('orange1.jpg')); % size(imga) = size(imgb)
- figure,
- subplot(121),imshow(imga,[])
- subplot(122),imshow(imgb,[])
- imga = imresize(imga,[size(imgb,1) size(imgb,2)]);
- [M,N] = size(imga(:,:,1));
- v = 230;
- level = 5;
- limga = genPyr(imga,'lap',level); % the Laplacian pyramid
- limgb = genPyr(imgb,'lap',level);
- maska = zeros(size(imga));
- maska(:,1:v,:) = 1;
- maskb = 1-maska;
- blurh = fspecial('gauss',30,15); % feather the border
- maska = imfilter(maska,blurh,'replicate');
- maskb = imfilter(maskb,blurh,'replicate');
- limgo = cell(1,level); % the blended pyramid
- for p = 1:level
- [Mp Np ~] = size(limga{p});
- maskap = imresize(maska,[Mp Np]);
- maskbp = imresize(maskb,[Mp Np]);
- limgo{p} = limga{p}.*maskap + limgb{p}.*maskbp;
- end
- imgo = pyrReconstruct(limgo);
- figure,imshow(imgo) % blend by pyramid
- imgo1 = maska.*imga+maskb.*imgb;
- figure,imshow(imgo1) % blend by feathering
复制代码 pyr_expand( img ):- function [ imgout ] = pyr_expand( img )
- %PYR_EXPAND Image pyramid expansion
- % B = PYR_EXPAND( A ) If A is M-by-N, then the size of B
- % is (2*M-1)-by-(2*N-1). Support gray or rgb image.
- % B will be transformed to double class.
- % Results the same w/ MATLAB func impyramid.
- kw = 5; % default kernel width
- cw = .375; % kernel centre weight, same as MATLAB func impyramid. 0.6 in the Paper
- ker1d = [.25-cw/2 .25 cw .25 .25-cw/2];
- kernel = kron(ker1d,ker1d')*4;
- % expand [a] to [A00 A01;A10 A11] with 4 kernels
- ker00 = kernel(1:2:kw,1:2:kw); % 3*3
- ker01 = kernel(1:2:kw,2:2:kw); % 3*2
- ker10 = kernel(2:2:kw,1:2:kw); % 2*3
- ker11 = kernel(2:2:kw,2:2:kw); % 2*2
- img = im2double(img);
- sz = size(img(:,:,1));
- osz = sz*2-1;
- imgout = zeros(osz(1),osz(2),size(img,3));
- for p = 1:size(img,3)
- img1 = img(:,:,p);
- img1ph = padarray(img1,[0 1],'replicate','both'); % horizontally padded
- img1pv = padarray(img1,[1 0],'replicate','both'); % horizontally padded
- img00 = imfilter(img1,ker00,'replicate','same');
- img01 = conv2(img1pv,ker01,'valid'); % imfilter doesn't support 'valid'
- img10 = conv2(img1ph,ker10,'valid');
- img11 = conv2(img1,ker11,'valid');
- imgout(1:2:osz(1),1:2:osz(2),p) = img00;
- imgout(2:2:osz(1),1:2:osz(2),p) = img10;
- imgout(1:2:osz(1),2:2:osz(2),p) = img01;
- imgout(2:2:osz(1),2:2:osz(2),p) = img11;
- end
- end
复制代码 [ pyr ] = genPyr( img, type, level )
- function [ pyr ] = genPyr( img, type, level )
- %GENPYR generate Gaussian or Laplacian pyramid
- % PYR = GENPYR(A,TYPE,LEVEL) A is the input image,
- % can be gray or rgb, will be forced to double.
- % TYPE can be 'gauss' or 'laplace'.
- % PYR is a 1*LEVEL cell array.
- % Yan Ke @ THUEE, xjed09@gmail.com
- pyr = cell(1,level);
- pyr{1} = im2double(img);
- for p = 2:level
- pyr{p} = pyr_reduce(pyr{p-1});
- end
- if strcmp(type,'gauss'), return; end
- for p = level-1:-1:1 % adjust the image size
- osz = size(pyr{p+1})*2-1;
- pyr{p} = pyr{p}(1:osz(1),1:osz(2),:);
- end
- for p = 1:level-1
- pyr{p} = pyr{p}-pyr_expand(pyr{p+1});
- end
复制代码 [ imgout ] = pyr_reduce( img ):
- function [ imgout ] = pyr_reduce( img )
- %PYR_REDUCE Image pyramid reduction
- % B = PYR_REDUCE( A ) If A is M-by-N, then the size of B
- % is ceil(M/2)-by-ceil(N/2). Support gray or rgb image.
- % B will be transformed to double class.
- % Results the same w/ MATLAB func impyramid.
- kernelWidth = 5; % default
- cw = .375; % kernel centre weight, same as MATLAB func impyramid. 0.6 in the Paper
- ker1d = [.25-cw/2 .25 cw .25 .25-cw/2];
- kernel = kron(ker1d,ker1d');
- img = im2double(img);
- sz = size(img);
- imgout = [];
- for p = 1:size(img,3)
- img1 = img(:,:,p);
- imgFiltered = imfilter(img1,kernel,'replicate','same');
- imgout(:,:,p) = imgFiltered(1:2:sz(1),1:2:sz(2));
- end
- end
复制代码 [ img ] = pyrReconstruct( pyr )
- function [ img ] = pyrReconstruct( pyr )
- %PYRRECONSTRUCT Uses a Laplacian pyramid to reconstruct a image
- % IMG = PYRRECONSTRUCT(PYR) PYR should be a 1*level cell array containing
- % the pyramid, SIZE(PYR{i}) = SIZE(PYR{i-1})*2-1
- for p = length(pyr)-1:-1:1
- pyr{p} = pyr{p}+pyr_expand(pyr{p+1});
- end
- img = pyr{1};
- end
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