分枝(支)定界法:百度网盘 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gtX4sNDCzvTMYZnSIVHGWg 提取码:xq06
- % This program solves mixed integer problems with a branch and bound method
- clc,clear,close all
- warning off
- %Small test problem, optimal solution should be -21
- c = -[8 11 6 4];
- A = [5 7 4 3];
- b = 14;
- Aeq = [];
- beq = [];
- lb = [0 0 0 0]';
- ub = [1 1 1 1]';
- yidx = true(4,1);
- [x_best, f_best] = miprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,yidx);
- disp(['X for Objective function value: ',num2str(x_best')]);
- disp(['Objective function value: ',num2str(f_best)]);
复制代码 lp-relaxation problem程序如下:
- function [x,fval,flag] = lpr(c,A,b,Aeq,beq,e,s,d,yidx,sol,opts)
- %LPR
- % Function to solve the lp-relaxation problem. Used by branch and bound algorithm.
- %Calculate the extra constraints imposed by s
- %if s is all NaN then no new constraints
- sidx = ~isnan(s);
- ydiag = double(yidx);
- if any(sidx)
- ydiag(yidx) = d;
- l = length(yidx);
- Y = spdiags(ydiag,0,l,l);
- %Remove zero entries
- Y = Y(any(Y,2),:);
- end
- %linprog
- if any(sidx)
- A = [A; Y];
- b = [b; s(sidx).*d(sidx)];
- end
- [x,fval,flag] = linprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq,[],[],[],opts);
复制代码 分支定界法程序如下:- function [x_best, f_best] = miprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,yidx,o)
- % Branch and bound algorithm for linear mixed integer programs
- %
- % min c'*x s.t. A*x <= b Aeq*x == beq lb <= x <= ub x(yidx) in [0,1,2,...]
- %
- % where yidx is a logical index vector such that
- % x(yidx) are the integer variables
- o.display = 'off';
- o.iterplot = false;
- o.solver = 'linprog';
- %Branch and bound specific options
- o.Delta = 1e-8; %Stopping tolerance of the gap (f_integer-f_lp)/(f_integer+f_lp)
- o.maxNodes = 1e5; %Maximum number of nodes in the branch and bound tree to visit
- o.intTol = 1e-6; %Integer tolerance
- %% Init
- %add upper and lower bounds to A
- Ab = speye(length(yidx));
- if ~isempty(lb)
- A = [A; -Ab];
- b = [b; -lb];
- end
- if ~isempty(ub)
- A = [A; Ab];
- b = [b; ub];
- end
- %delete all-zero rows
- b = b(any(A,2),:);
- A = A(any(A,2),:);
- %linprog
- e=[];
- opts = optimset('Display','off');
- sol=2;
- %Assume no initial best integer solution
- %Add your own heuristic here to find a good incumbent solution, store it in
- %f_best,y_best,x_best
- f_best = inf;
- y_best = [];
- x_best = [];
- %Variable for holding the objective function variables of the lp-relaxation
- %problems
- f = inf(o.maxNodes,1);
- f(1) = 0;
- fs = inf;
- numIntSol = double(~isempty(y_best));
- %Set of problems
- S = nan(sum(yidx),1);
- D = zeros(sum(yidx),1);
- %The priority in which the problems shall be solved
- priority = [1];
- %The indices of the problems that have been visited
- visited = nan(o.maxNodes,1);
- i=0;
- %% Branch and bound loop
- while i==0 || isinf(f_best) || (~isempty(priority) && ((f_best-min(fs(priority)))/abs(f_best+min(fs(priority))) > o.Delta) && i<o.maxNodes)
- %Is the parent node less expensive than the current best
- if i==0 || fs(priority(1))<f_best
- %Solve the LP-relaxation problem
- i=i+1;
- s = S(:,priority(1));
- d = D(:,priority(1));
- [x,this_f,flag] = lpr(c,A,b,Aeq,beq,e,s,d,yidx,sol,opts);
- %Visit this node
- visited(i) = priority(1);
- priority(1) = [];
- if flag==-2 || flag==-5
- %infeasible, dont branch
- if i==1
- error('MIPROG: Infeasible initial LP problem. Try another LP solver.')
- end
- f(i) = inf;
- elseif flag==1
- %convergence
- f(i) = this_f;
- if this_f<f_best
- y = x(yidx);
- %fractional part of the integer variables -> diff
- diff = abs(round(y)-y);
- if all(diff<o.intTol)
- %all fractions less than the integer tolerance
- %we have integer solution
- numIntSol = numIntSol+1;
- f_best = this_f;
- y_best = round(x(yidx));
- x_best = x;
- else
- %branch on the most fractional variable
- [maxdiff,branch_idx] = max(diff,[],1);
- %Branch into two subproblems
- s1 = s;
- s2 = s;
- d1 = d;
- d2 = d;
- s1(branch_idx)=ceil(y(branch_idx));
- d1(branch_idx)=-1; %direction of bound is GE
- s2(branch_idx)=floor(y(branch_idx));
- d2(branch_idx)=1; %direction of bound is LE
- nsold = size(S,2);
- % add subproblems to the problem tree
- S = [S s1 s2];
- D = [D d1 d2];
- fs = [fs f(i) f(i)];
- nsnew = nsold+2;
- %branch on the best lp solution
- priority = [nsold+1:nsnew priority];
- [dum,pidx] = sort(fs(priority));
- priority=priority(pidx);
- end
- end
- else
- error('MIPROG: Problem neither infeasible nor solved, try another solver or reformulate problem!')
- end
- else %parent node is more expensive than current f-best -> don't evaluate this node
- priority(1) = [];
- end
- end
- X for Objective function value: -8.1911e-11 1 1 1
- Objective function value: -21