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发表于 2019-9-29 22:43:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3D reconstruction
GAPS Lab, Zhejiang University
3D Face Recognition Biometric System Matlab Full Source Code | Matlab Recognition Code
3D Face Recognition System V 4.3: A Hypride And Effective Source Code For 3D Face Recognition System (Last Update)Expression Facial Animation Project
Face Rendering in GLSL
Imperial College London
OpenGL - The Industry Standard for High Performance Graphics
Face Recognition Homepage - Algorithms
Face Recognition - Algorithmsimage processing - Algorithms for 3D face reconstruction - Stack Overflow
Research | GRAIL: UW Graphics and Imaging Laboratory
CVPR 2015 Webpage - Program
Image Analysis and Computer Graphics section - DTU Compute
Active Shape Models with Stasm
三维人脸数据库 - 清风捷影 - 博客大巴转自:http://blog.csdn.net/niepengpeng333/article/details/7610130   目前国际上已有多个大规模的二维人脸数据库,这些数据库为二维人脸识别算法提供了评测和性能比较的公共平台。2004 年之前,很少有公开的三维人脸数据库,近年来,越来越多的研究组织开始建立自己的三维人脸数据库。公开的三维人脸数据库为三维人...http://www.usf.edu/engineering/cse/
USF Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
3D Facial Expression Database - Binghamton University
RMA - Signal and Image Centre
Your description goes here
MorphaceFace Recognition Homepage Dataset - STELLAR0的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET加密错误代码记录:eyBbIjExMzEiXT17IFsi0qrJvrP9tcTOxLz+wdCx7SJdPXsgWzFdPSJGRGF0YVxccmVnaXN0X3NjZW5lLmRhdCIgfSxbIrj80MLLtcP3Il09IrrzzKi4/NDCISFcCiIsWyLJ/by2yrHSqr3hyvi1xL34s8zD+yJdPXsgIH0sWyK0tL2oyNXG2iJdPSIyM[url=http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/index.html]LFW Face Database : Main[/url]
Bosphorus Database
Bosphorus 3D Face Database > Content
The Bosphorus Database is a database of 3D faces which includes a rich set of expressions, systematic variation of poses and different types of occlusions. This database is unique from various aspects.Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering - The University of Texas at Austin
FaceDatabase < Public < TWiki
AR Face Database Webpage
Carlos Eduardo Thomaz - Personal Web Page
VIMS Laboratory - Main - VADANA
3D Mask Attack Dataset — DDP
maskattack.lbp 1.0.4 : Python Package Index
Texture (LBP) based counter-measures for the 3D MASK ATTACK databaseFace Detection Matlab Code
gravis - Graphics and Vision Research Group, University of Basel
首页 | 辉擎信息科技有限公司
Research Projects | EECS at UC BerkeleyElectrical Engineering and Computer Sciences is the largest department at the University of California, Berkeley. EECS spans all of information science and technology and has applications in a broad range of fields, from medicine to the social sciences.
Computer Vision Group - Image-based 3D Reconstruction - Multi-View 3D ReconstructionMulti-View 3D Reconstruction Contact: Martin Oswald, Maria Klodt, J&#246;rg Stückler, Prof. Dr. Daniel Cremers For a human, it is usually an easy task to get an idea of the 3D structure shown in an image. Due to the loss of one dimension in the projection process, the estimation of the true 3D geometry is difficult and a so called ill-posed problem, because usually infinitely many different 3D surfaces may produce the same set of images.Keypoint detectorBundler - Structure from Motion (SfM) for Unordered Image CollectionsScanalyze: a system for aligning and merging range dataMultiview 3D Reconstruction - FREE Download Multiview 3D Reconstruction 1.0 Science Home & Education[url=http://vision.in.tum.de/teaching/ws2013/ml_ws13?s[]=code]Computer Vision Group - Winter Semester 2013/14 - Machine Learning for Robotics and Computer Vision[/url]Machine Learning for Robotics and Computer Vision WS 2013/2014, TU München Lecture Location: Room 02.09.023 Date: Friday, starting at 25th October Time: 9.15 Lecturer: Dr. Rudolph Triebel ECTS: 4 SWS: 3 Tutorial Location: Room 02.09.023 Date: Friday, starting at 8th November Time: 14.15 Lecturer: Matthias Vestner The next tutorial will be on Friday, 24th JanuaryMultiview 3D reconstruction in geosciences
Princeton Vision Group - Prof. Jianxiong Xiao
A Quasi-Dense Approach to Surface Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Images
Multiview 3D reconstruction in geosciences
Anonymous, 2011: Multiview 3D reconstruction in geosciences
Research | Computer Vision and Image Analysis | Informatik und Informationswissenschaft | Universit&#228;t Konstanz{$meta.description}
Downloads | GRAIL: UW Graphics and Imaging Laboratory
Douglas Lanman - Oculus VR R&DDouglas Lanman - Oculus VR R&D

算法QQ  3283892722

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