- import numpy as np
- from scipy.io import wavfile
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- # Read the input file
- sampling_freq, audio = wavfile.read('input_freq.wav')
- # Normalize the values
- audio = audio / (2.**15)
- # Extract length
- len_audio = len(audio)
- # Apply Fourier transform
- transformed_signal = np.fft.fft(audio)
- half_length = np.ceil((len_audio + 1) / 2.0)
- transformed_signal = abs(transformed_signal[0:half_length])
- transformed_signal /= float(len_audio)
- transformed_signal **= 2
- # Extract length of transformed signal
- len_ts = len(transformed_signal)
- # Take care of even/odd cases
- if len_audio % 2:
- transformed_signal[1:len_ts] *= 2
- else:
- transformed_signal[1:len_ts-1] *= 2
- # Extract power in dB
- power = 10 * np.log10(transformed_signal)
- # Build the time axis
- x_values = np.arange(0, half_length, 1) * (sampling_freq / len_audio) / 1000.0
- # Plot the figure
- plt.figure()
- plt.plot(x_values, power, color='black')
- plt.xlabel('Freq (in kHz)')
- plt.ylabel('Power (in dB)')
- plt.show()