- clc,clear,close all
- warning off
- x=[82 91 12 92 63 9 28 55 96 97 15 98 96 49 80 12 80 55];
- y=[14 42 92 80 96 66 3 85 94 68 76 75 39 66 17 78 80 45];
- [Position, BestCost]= Tabu_Search_TSP(x,y,50);
- figure(1);
- hold on
- plot(x,y,'o')
- for i=1:length(x)
- if i<length(x)
- plot( [x(Position(i)),x(Position(i+1))], [y(Position(i)),y(Position(i+1))],'-','linewidth',2 )
- else
- plot( [x(Position(i)),x(Position(1))], [y(Position(i)),y(Position(1))],'-','linewidth',2 )
- end
- end
- hold off
复制代码 函数如下:
- function [Position, BestCost]= Tabu_Search_TSP(x,y,MaxIt)
- % x=[82 91 12 92 63 9 28 55 96 97 15 98 96 49 80 12 80 55];
- % y=[14 42 92 80 96 66 3 85 94 68 76 75 39 66 17 78 80 45];
- model = CreateModel_ysw(x, y); % Create TSP Model
- CostFunction=@(tour) TourLength(tour, model); % Cost Function
- ActionList=CreatePermActionList(model.n); % Action List
- nAction=numel(ActionList); % Number of Actions
- %% Tabu Search Parameters
- % MaxIt=50; % Maximum Number of Iterations
- TL=round(0.5*nAction); % Tabu Length
- %% Initialization
- % Create Empty Individual Structure
- empty_individual.Position=[];
- empty_individual.Cost=[];
- % Create Initial Solution
- sol=empty_individual;
- sol.Position=randperm(model.n);
- sol.Cost=CostFunction(sol.Position);
- % Initialize Best Solution Ever Found
- BestSol=sol;
- % Array to Hold Best Costs
- BestCost=zeros(MaxIt,1);
- % Initialize Action Tabu Counters
- TC=zeros(nAction,1);
- %% Tabu Search Main Loop
- for it=1:MaxIt
- bestnewsol.Cost=inf;
- % Apply Actions
- for i=1:nAction
- if TC(i)==0
- newsol.Position=DoAction(sol.Position,ActionList{i});
- newsol.Cost=CostFunction(newsol.Position);
- newsol.ActionIndex=i;
- if newsol.Cost<=bestnewsol.Cost
- bestnewsol=newsol;
- end
- end
- end
- % Update Current Solution
- sol=bestnewsol;
- % Update Tabu List
- for i=1:nAction
- if i==bestnewsol.ActionIndex
- TC(i)=TL; % Add To Tabu List
- else
- TC(i)=max(TC(i)-1,0); % Reduce Tabu Counter
- end
- end
- % Update Best Solution Ever Found
- if sol.Cost<=BestSol.Cost
- BestSol=sol;
- end
- % Save Best Cost Ever Found
- BestCost(it)=BestSol.Cost;
- % Show Iteration Information
- % disp(['Iteration ' num2str(it) ': Best Cost = ' num2str(BestCost(it))]);
- % % Plot Best Solution
- % figure(1);
- % PlotSolution(BestSol, model);
- % pause(0.01);
- % If Global Minimum is Reached
- if BestCost(it)==0
- break;
- end
- end
- % BestCost=BestCost(1:it);
- Position = BestSol.Position;
- BestCost = BestSol.Cost;
- end
- function model=CreateModel_ysw(x,y)
- % x=[82 91 12 92 63 9 28 55 96 97 15 98 96 49 80 12 80 55];
- % y=[14 42 92 80 96 66 3 85 94 68 76 75 39 66 17 78 80 45];
- n=numel(x);
- d=zeros(n,n);
- for i=1:n-1
- for j=i+1:n
- d(i,j)=sqrt((x(i)-x(j))^2+(y(i)-y(j))^2);
- d(j,i)=d(i,j);
- end
- end
- xmin=0;
- xmax=100;
- ymin=0;
- ymax=100;
- model.n=n;
- model.x=x;
- model.y=y;
- model.d=d;
- model.xmin=xmin;
- model.xmax=xmax;
- model.ymin=ymin;
- model.ymax=ymax;
- end
- function L=TourLength(tour,model)
- n=numel(tour);
- tour=[tour tour(1)];
- L=0;
- for k=1:n
- i=tour(k);
- j=tour(k+1);
- L=L+model.d(i,j);
- end
- end
- function ActionList=CreatePermActionList(n)
- nSwap=n*(n-1)/2;
- nReversion=n*(n-1)/2;
- nInsertion=n^2;
- nAction=nSwap+nReversion+nInsertion;
- ActionList=cell(nAction,1);
- c=0;
- % Add SWAP
- for i=1:n-1
- for j=i+1:n
- c=c+1;
- ActionList{c}=[1 i j];
- end
- end
- for i=1:n-1
- for j=i+1:n
- if abs(i-j)>2
- c=c+1;
- ActionList{c}=[2 i j];
- end
- end
- end
- % Add Insertion
- for i=1:n
- for j=1:n
- if abs(i-j)>1
- c=c+1;
- ActionList{c}=[3 i j];
- end
- end
- end
- ActionList=ActionList(1:c);
- end
- function q=DoAction(p,a)
- switch a(1)
- case 1
- % Swap
- q=DoSwap(p,a(2),a(3));
- case 2
- % Reversion
- q=DoReversion(p,a(2),a(3));
- case 3
- % Insertion
- q=DoInsertion(p,a(2),a(3));
- end
- end
- function q=DoSwap(p,i1,i2)
- q=p;
- q([i1 i2])=p([i2 i1]);
- end
- function q=DoReversion(p,i1,i2)
- q=p;
- if i1<i2
- q(i1:i2)=p(i2:-1:i1);
- else
- q(i1:-1:i2)=p(i2:i1);
- end
- end
- function q=DoInsertion(p,i1,i2)
- if i1<i2
- q=p([1:i1-1 i1+1:i2 i1 i2+1:end]);
- else
- q=p([1:i2 i1 i2+1:i1-1 i1+1:end]);
- end
- end