- # coding:utf-8
- import random
- import os
- from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
- char_set = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- image_size = (128, 32)
- """
- 基本:
- 1 图片size
- 2 字符个数
- 3 字符区域(重叠、等分)
- 4 字符位置(固定、随机)
- 5 字符size(所占区域大小的百分比)
- 6 字符fonts
- 7 字符 type (数字、字母、汉字、数学符号)
- 8 字符颜色
- 9 背景颜色
- 高级:
- 10 字符旋转
- 11 字符扭曲
- 12 噪音(点、线段、圈)
- """
- def randRGB():
- return random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)
- def cha_draw(cha, text_color, font, rotate, size_cha):
- im = Image.new(mode='RGBA', size=(size_cha * 2, size_cha * 2))
- drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
- drawer.text(xy=(0, 0), text=cha, fill=text_color, font=font) # text 内容,fill 颜色, font 字体(包括大小)
- if rotate:
- max_angle = 40 # to be tuned
- angle = random.randint(-max_angle, max_angle)
- im = im.rotate(angle, Image.BILINEAR, expand=1)
- im = im.crop(im.getbbox())
- return im
- def choice_cha(chas):
- x = random.randint(0, len(chas))
- return chas[x - 1]
- def captcha_draw(size_im, nb_cha, set_cha, fonts=None, overlap=0.0,
- rd_bg_color=False, rd_text_color=False, rd_text_pos=False, rd_text_size=False,
- rotate=False, noise=None, dir_path='', img_num=0, img_now=0):
- """
- overlap: 字符之间区域可重叠百分比, 重叠效果和图片宽度字符宽度有关
- 字体大小 目前长宽认为一致!!!
- 所有字大小一致
- 扭曲暂未实现
- noise 可选:point, line , circle
- fonts 中分中文和英文字体
- label全保存在label.txt 中,文件第i行对应"i.jpg"的图片标签,i从1开始
- """
- rate_cha = 0.8 # rate to be tuned
- width_im, height_im = size_im
- width_cha = int(width_im / max(nb_cha - overlap, 3)) # 字符区域宽度
- # height_cha = height_im * 1.2 # 字符区域高度
- height_cha = height_im * 0.8 # 字符区域高度
- bg_color = 'white'
- text_color = 'black'
- derx = 0
- dery = 0
- if rd_text_size:
- rate_cha = random.uniform(rate_cha - 0.1, rate_cha + 0.1) # to be tuned
- size_cha = int(rate_cha * min(width_cha, height_cha) * 2.0) # 字符大小
- if rd_bg_color:
- bg_color = randRGB()
- im = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=size_im, color=bg_color) # color 背景颜色,size 图片大小
- drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
- contents = []
- for i in range(nb_cha):
- if rd_text_color:
- text_color = randRGB()
- if rd_text_pos:
- derx = random.randint(0, max(width_cha - size_cha - 5, 0))
- dery = random.randint(0, max(height_cha - size_cha - 5, 0))
- cha = random.choice(set_cha)
- font = ImageFont.truetype(fonts['eng'], size_cha)
- contents.append(cha)
- im_cha = cha_draw(cha, text_color, font, rotate, size_cha)
- im.paste(im_cha, (int(max(i - overlap, 0) * width_cha) + derx + 2, dery + 3), im_cha) # 字符左上角位置
- if 'point' in noise:
- nb_point = 20
- color_point = randRGB()
- for i in range(nb_point):
- x = random.randint(0, width_im)
- y = random.randint(0, height_im)
- drawer.point(xy=(x, y), fill=color_point)
- if 'line' in noise:
- nb_line = 3
- for i in range(nb_line):
- color_line = randRGB()
- sx = random.randint(0, width_im)
- sy = random.randint(0, height_im)
- ex = random.randint(0, width_im)
- ey = random.randint(0, height_im)
- drawer.line(xy=(sx, sy, ex, ey), fill=color_line)
- if 'circle' in noise:
- nb_circle = 20
- color_circle = randRGB()
- for i in range(nb_circle):
- sx = random.randint(0, width_im - 10)
- sy = random.randint(0, height_im - 10)
- temp = random.randint(1, 5)
- ex = sx + temp
- ey = sy + temp
- drawer.arc((sx, sy, ex, ey), 0, 360, fill=color_circle)
- if os.path.exists(dir_path) == False: # 如果文件夹不存在,则创建对应的文件夹
- os.mkdir(dir_path)
- img_name = str(img_now) + '_' + ''.join(contents) + '.jpg'
- img_path = os.path.join(dir_path, img_name)
- print (img_path, str(img_now) + '/' + str(img_num))
- im.save(img_path)
- def captcha_generator(ctc = False):
- size_im = image_size#(176, 25)
- set_chas = [char_set]
- if ctc:
- nb_chas = [4,5,6,7,8]
- else:
- nb_chas = [4]
- nb_image = 500
- font_dir = './fonts/'
- rd_bg_color = False
- overlaps = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2]
- noises = [[], ['point'], ['line'], ['line', 'point'], ['circle']]
- rd_text_poss = [False] #[True, False]
- rd_text_sizes = [False] #[True, False]
- rd_text_colors = [True, False] # false 代表字体颜色全一致,但都是黑色
- rotates = [False] #[True, False]
- font_paths = []
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(font_dir):
- for filename in filenames:
- filepath = dirpath + os.sep + filename
- font_paths.append({'eng': filepath})
- for i in range(nb_image):
- overlap = random.choice(overlaps)
- rd_text_pos = random.choice(rd_text_poss)
- rd_text_size = random.choice(rd_text_sizes)
- rd_text_color = random.choice(rd_text_colors)
- set_cha = random.choice(set_chas)
- noise = random.choice(noises)
- rotate = random.choice(rotates)
- nb_cha = random.choice(nb_chas)
- # font_path = random.choice(font_paths)
- font_path = font_paths[0]
- if ctc:
- dir_name = 'ctc'
- else:
- dir_name = 'cnn'
- dir_path = './img_data/' + dir_name + '/'
- captcha_draw(size_im=size_im, nb_cha=nb_cha, set_cha=set_cha,
- overlap=overlap, rd_text_pos=rd_text_pos, rd_text_size=rd_text_size,
- rd_text_color=rd_text_color, rd_bg_color=rd_bg_color, noise=noise,
- rotate=rotate, dir_path=dir_path, fonts=font_path, img_num=nb_image, img_now=i)
- def test():
- print("test begining ------------------")
- # size_im = (100, 30)
- size_im = (128, 32)
- set_chas = [
- "0123456789",
- "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- ]
- overlaps = [0.8, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.0, 0.2]
- rd_text_poss = [False, True]
- rd_text_sizes = [False, True]
- rd_text_colors = [False, True] # false 代表字体颜色全一致,但都是黑色
- rd_bg_color = False
- noises = [['point'], ['line'], ['line', 'point']]
- rotates = [False]
- nb_chas = [4]
- nb_image = 100#1000 * 100
- # font_dir = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family'
- # font_dir = 'C:/Windows/Fonts/'
- font_dir = './fonts/'
- font_paths = []
- num_pic = 0
- dir_folder = 0
- try:
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(font_dir):
- print("test begining ---------0---------")
- for filename in filenames:
- filepath = dirpath + os.sep + filename
- font_paths.append({'eng': filepath})
- print("font-------",filepath)
- for i in range(nb_image):
- print("test begining -----1-------------")
- num_pic += 1
- overlap = random.choice(overlaps)
- rd_text_pos = random.choice(rd_text_poss)
- rd_text_size = random.choice(rd_text_sizes)
- rd_text_color = random.choice(rd_text_colors)
- set_cha = random.choice(set_chas)
- noise = random.choice(noises)
- rotate = random.choice(rotates)
- nb_cha = random.choice(nb_chas)
- # font_path = random.choice(font_paths)
- font_path = font_paths[0]
- if num_pic % 1001 == 0:
- dir_folder += 1
- dir_name = 'train_data'
- dir_path = './img_data/' + dir_name + '/'
- captcha_draw(size_im=size_im, nb_cha=nb_cha, set_cha=set_cha,
- overlap=overlap, rd_text_pos=rd_text_pos, rd_text_size=rd_text_size,
- rd_text_color=rd_text_color, rd_bg_color=rd_bg_color, noise=noise,
- rotate=rotate, dir_path=dir_path, fonts=font_path, img_num=nb_image, img_now=i)
- except Exception:
- print ("io Exception--- ")
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #test()
- captcha_generator(True)