光流法optical flow代码如下:
- function [output] = optical_flow(imgs, options)
- t = tic;
- position = [];
- velocity = [];
- if nargin == 0
- display('running demo...')
- display('loading data...')
- try
- load cat_data
- catch
- display('missing demo file "cat_data.mat"')
- display('demo aborted.')
- return
- end
- imgs = single(imgs);
- end
- if size(imgs,3) < 2
- error('need at least 2 image frames for optical flow algorithm to operate')
- end
- if nargin < 2
- x_blk_size = floor(.04*size(imgs,2));
- y_blk_size = floor(.04*size(imgs,1));
- else
- if ~isfield(options,'x_blk_size')
- x_blk_size = floor(.04*size(imgs,2));
- display(sprintf('no x_blk_size options found, using %g',x_blk_size))
- else
- x_blk_size=options.x_blk_size;
- end
- if ~isfield(options,'y_blk_size')
- y_blk_size = floor(.04*size(imgs,1));
- display(sprintf('no x_blk_size options found, using %g',y_blk_size))
- else
- y_blk_size=options.y_blk_size;
- end
- if ~isfield(options,'displayResults')
- displayResults = 0;
- else
- displayResults=options.displayResults;
- end
- end
- nframe = size(imgs,3);
- for iframe = 1:nframe-1
- display(sprintf('processing frame: %g of %g...',iframe,nframe-1))
- frame1 = squeeze(imgs(:,:,iframe));
- frame2 = squeeze(imgs(:,:,iframe+1));
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % calculate change in image with respect to position
- [Ix,Iy] = gradient(frame1);
- [ny, nx] = size(Ix);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % calculate change in image with respect to time using nearest frames
- It = frame2-frame1;
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % initialize counter
- ct = 1;
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % calculate x-range of first block
- x1 = 1;
- x2 = x1+x_blk_size;
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % calculate steps in x and y direction
- xs = floor((nx-x_blk_size)/x_blk_size);
- ys = floor((ny-y_blk_size)/y_blk_size);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % initialzes velocity vectors
- % vx,vy are used to store the x-components of the velocity vector and
- % y-components of the velocity vector, respectively.
- vx = zeros(1,ys*xs);
- vy = zeros(1,ys*xs);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % initializes position vectors
- % x,y store the center position of the block used to calculate the optical
- % flows values.
- x = zeros(1,ys*xs);
- y = zeros(1,ys*xs);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % loop through image
- for ix = 1:xs
- y1 = 1;
- y2 = y1 + y_blk_size;
- for iy = 1:ys
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- % select a sub-domain from gradient and difference image to perform
- % calculation on
- Ix_block = Ix(y1:y2,x1:x2);
- Iy_block = Iy(y1:y2,x1:x2);
- It_block = It(y1:y2,x1:x2);
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Cast problem as linear equation and solve in a lsqr sense
- % This approach is known as the Lucas-Kanade Method
- % A*u = f
- % A'*A*u = A'*f
- % u = inv(A'*A)*A*f
- % solve inv(A'*A) using pseudo-inv (pinv)
- % f -> It (change in image with repsect to time)
- % A -> [Ix,Iy] (chainge in image with respect to position)
- % u -> [vx,vy] (velocities, what we want to solve for)
- A = [Ix_block(:) , Iy_block(:)];
- b = -It_block(:);
- A = A(1:1:end,:);
- b = b(1:1:end);
- P = pinv(A'*A);
- u = P*A'*b;
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- % realtive velocities from current sub-domain.
- %
- % Note: to convert this to a real velocity e.g. [m/s] you would
- % need to include information on the rate between frames
- % (delta-t) and the distance between neighbooring pixels in the
- % images (delta-x, delta-y). Otherwise, the result is a
- % relative velocity.
- vx(ct) = u(1);
- vy(ct) = u(2);
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- % calculate mid point of sub-domain
- y(ct) = (x1+x2)/2;
- x(ct) = (y1+y2)/2;
- ct = ct+1;
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- % get the y range of the new block
- y1 = y1 + y_blk_size + 1;
- y2 = y1 + y_blk_size;
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- % make sure you don't exceed the image size in the y direction
- if y2 > ny
- y2 = ny;
- end
- end
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % get the x range of the new block
- x1 = x1 + x_blk_size + 1;
- x2 = x1 + x_blk_size;
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- % make sure you don't exceed the image size in the x direction
- if x2 > nx
- x2 = nx;
- end
- end
- position(iframe,:,:) = [y ; x];
- velocity(iframe,:,:) = [vy ; vx];
- x = [];
- y = [];
- vx = [];
- vy = [];
- ct = 1;
- end
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % if there are no input arguments, plot results
- if nargin == 0 || options.displayResults
- figure
- subplot(1,2,1)
- imagesc(frame1),colormap gray
- axis image
- hold on
- x = squeeze(position(10,2,:));
- y = squeeze(position(10,1,:));
- vx = squeeze(velocity(10,2,:));
- vy = squeeze(velocity(10,1,:));
- plot(y,x,'.k','markersize',1)
- quiver(y,x,vy,vx,'r')
- subplot(1,2,2)
- imagesc(reshape(sqrt(vx.^2+vy.^2),[ys,xs]))
- axis image
- figure
- for iframe = 1:size(velocity,1);
- subplot(1,2,1)
- imagesc(squeeze(imgs(:,:,iframe+1))),colormap gray
- title(sprintf('velocity vectors + image\n frame %g',iframe))
- hold on
- x = squeeze(position(iframe,2,:));
- y = squeeze(position(iframe,1,:));
- vx = squeeze(velocity(iframe,2,:));
- vy = squeeze(velocity(iframe,1,:));
- plot(y,x,'.k','markersize',1)
- quiver(y,x,vy,vx,'r'), hold off
- axis image, axis([1 nx 1 ny])
- subplot(1,2,2)
- imagesc(reshape(sqrt(vx.^2+vy.^2),[ys,xs])),colorbar
- title(sprintf('speed map\nsqrt(vx^2+vy^2) \n frame %g',iframe))
- axis image
- drawnow
- pause(.1)
- end
- end
- output.position = position;
- output.velocity = velocity;
- output.num_blks_x = xs;
- output.num_blks_y = ys;
- output.blk_size_x = x_blk_size;
- output.blk_size_y = y_blk_size;
- output.nframes = nframe;
- output.process_time = sprintf('%3.2f [sec]',toc(t));